Legal Notice
Website publisher and editor
- The website is published by C2E company.
- Company status : Simplified stock company (SAS - "Société par actions simplifiée" under french law)
- SIRET number : 43447279100012 (RCS Niort) | APE Code : 2732 Z
- Its head office is located "rue de Disse, 79600 Airvault (France)" and its legal representative is C2E HOLDING, with Thibault Bialek as the president.
Contact details
You can join the company by phone at 05 49 70 69 87, or by email (contact form)
Website hosting
- The website is hosted by AlwaysData, limited liability company (SARL - "Société à responsabilité limitée" under french law) with 5 000€ capital, registered at the Trade and Companies Register of Paris under the number RCS PARIS B 492 893 490.
- Head office : 62 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris
Intellectual Property et Credits
- The general structure of the website and is textual content, graphs, images, sounds and videos within it, are property of C2E company and its partners. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or exploitation of all of part of the elements of the website, whatever the way or the used process, without prior written authorization of the company C2E or its partners is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of article L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
- Conception : Clément Fusil - CFMW
- Development : Bastien Perrotin - Pandora Web
- Maintenance : Xavier Foucrier - Studio MOTIO
Personal Data
- In accordance to articles 34, 39 and following of the french law "Data Protection Act" (Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties), the website has been declared to the CNIL under the number : [ APPLICATION PENDING ]
- In accordance with the article 27 of this law, users who access and use the website have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data that concerns them. You can exercise this right buy writing us at the postal address : C2E, Rue de Disse, 79600 Airvault ; or by email (contact form)
- The website :
- • don't save any personal data allowing identification, except from contact forms that the user is free to fill in. Every personal data gathered in the process are treated with the strictest confidentiality. This data will not be used without your permission, and will only be used to send you mails, brochures, estimates or contact you. C2E commits to respect the confidentiality of messages transmitted into emails.
- • use Google Analytics, which allow to do statistics analysis without being nominative and could use it with third parties (evaluation and traffic organisms), in summary and non-nominative forms. No personal data will be saved, considering the statistic data policy.
- • has no control on linked websites, and declines all responsability of their content. Risks using these external ressources are fully on users. The user shall respect their terms and conditions.